Take advantage of the psychological and psycho-educational services you need for your daily well-being. Our specialists are available for children or adults.
We provide psychological care of the highest quality for all. Our psychologists offer a wide variety of evaluations and follow-ups developed from the best practices in the field of psychology. Our approach is one that is holistic and multidisciplinary, working with all other professionals involved in the patient’s care (Doctors, speech therapists, teachers, etc.).
We listen to our patients carefully, because we understand the difficulty and confusion one lives when deciding to consult in psychology. Our professionals are specifically trained for this, and have numerous years of pertinent experience in that regard in order to guide you through the process. They target your needs in order to establish a personalised and effective action plan. In that sense, you can be certain to get the appropriate services for your well-being or that of your loved ones. At all times, our psychologists and neuropsychologists are available for you.
Our coordinators can answer your questions
to direct you towards the right professional.
Under bill 25 , Raby Bouras, director, has been designated responsible for the protection of personal information.
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